Tectonic evolution and depositional response in southern continental marginal basins of South China Sea during period of rift-drift-foreland: A case study from the Liyue Basin
摘要: 通过礼乐盆地构造-地层-沉积分析,查明了其构造演化及沉积充填特征,揭示了其与南海扩张事件的成因联系,为南海边缘海演化研究提供了参考。研究结果表明:礼乐盆地新生代构造-沉积演化经历了3个差异显著的阶段,即古新世-早渐新世陆缘裂陷-滨浅海碎屑岩沉积阶段、晚渐新世-早中新世裂离漂移-浅海碳酸盐岩沉积阶段、中中新世以来周缘前陆挠曲沉降-区域差异沉积阶段。古新世-早渐新世,古南海向东南俯冲,华南古陆陆缘因水平引张力作用发生被动裂陷,形成礼乐盆地;此时以滨浅海环境为主,受碎屑物源供给控制,在盆地西北部发育一系列规模相对较大的辫状河三角洲,礼乐盆地东部、南部邻近古南海,仅在孤立隆起边缘发育规模较小的扇三角洲。晚渐新世-早中新世,古南海持续俯冲,新南海扩张,礼乐-巴拉望地块裂离华南古陆,向南漂移,盆地沉降缓慢,断层活动弱;此时以浅海-半深海环境为主,碎屑物源匮乏,盆地北部发育大型碳酸盐岩台地和生物礁,南部总体为半深海环境。中中新世以来,新南海扩张停止,礼乐-巴拉望地块向菲律宾岛弧俯冲碰撞,礼乐盆地进入周缘前陆期,以非对称挠曲沉降为特点,水深增大,断层活动增强;此时以半深海-浅海为主,盆地北部总体以碳酸盐岩台地和生物礁为特色,盆地南部局部发育深水重力流沉积。礼乐盆地构造-沉积演化与古南海俯冲-消亡、新南海扩张-关闭过程密切相关。Abstract: Based on the analysis of tectonics-stratigraphy-sedimentology in Liyue Basin, this paper finds out the characteristics of tectonic evolution and sedimentary fillings, reveals the genetic relationship between the basin evolution and the spreading of the South China Sea (SCS), and provides the reference for the study on the marginal sea evolution of the SCS.The Cenozoic tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the Liyue Basin could be divided into three distinct stages: the first stage characterized by continental marginal rifting and littoral-neritic clastic sedimentation from Paleocene to Early Oligocene, the second stage characterized by detaching-drifting and neritic carbonate sedimentation from Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, and the third stage featured with peripheral foreland flexure subsidence and regional differential sedimentation since Middle Miocene.In the first stage from Paleocene to Early Oligocene, the southeastward subduction of the Proto-South China Sea (PSCS) resulted in the passive rifting of the ancient South China Plate under the action of horizontal extension, and then the formation of the Liyue Rifting Basin.During this period dominated by the littoral-neritic depositional environment from Paleocene to Early Oligocene, controlled by detrital sediments supply and the PSCS action, a series of relatively large-scale braided river deltas developed in the northwestern basin, however, few small-scale fan deltas developed on the edge of the isolated uplifts in the eastern and southern basin adjacent to the PSCS.In the second stage from Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, accompanying with the PSCS continuous subduciton and the SCS initialization and spreading, the Liyue Basin located on the Liyue-Balawan Plate detached from the South China ancient continent, and then southwards drifted with slow subsidence and weak faulting.During this period dominated by the neritic- bathyal depositional environment from Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, due to the scarcely detrital sediment supply, large-scale carbonate platforms and reefs developed in the northern basin, while the bathyal environment was generally founded in the south.In the third stage since Middle Miocene, the process that the SCS spreading had being ceased and the Liyue-Balawan block was subducting towards Philippine island arc, led to the beginning of the evolution of the foreland basin in the Liyue Basin, characterized by asymmetric flexure subsidence, increasing water depth, and enhanced fault activity.During this period dominated by the bathyal- neritic depositional environment, it is the predominant feature that the carbonate platforms and reefs and deepwater gravity flow deposits have respectively being developed in the north and partial south of the Liyue Basin.It could be concluded that the tectonic-sedimentary evolution in Liyue Basin was closely related to the subduction-extinction of the PSCS and the spreading-closure of the SCS.
Key words:
- rift /
- drift /
- foreland /
- Liyue Basin /
- South China Sea(SCS)
图 4 礼乐盆地主要的构造-地层格架剖面(剖面位置见图 1)
Figure 4. Main profiles showing structural-stratigraphic frameworks in Liyue Basin
图 5 礼乐盆地主要构造单元沉降特征(虚拟井位置见图 1)
1.E3y3; 2.E2y2; 3.E2y1; 4.E3zh2; 5.E3zh1; 6.E3r-N1x; 7.N1h; 8.N1sh; 9.N2-Q
Figure 5. Subsidence characteristics of main structural units in Liyue Basin
图 6 礼乐盆地主要断层不同时期活动特征(断层位置及编号见图 1)
Figure 6. Vertical displacement characteristics of main faults at different periods in Liyue Basin
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