Research on hydrothermal petroleum and its organic matter
摘要: 石油与天然气的成因长期存在有机成因和无机成因的争议。近年来, 全球不同大洋洋底热液衍生石油的发现, 为更进一步探索油气成因提供了新的思考。在回顾有机生油假说和无机生油假说基本理论和二者争论的基础上,重点介绍了热液衍生石油及其有机质的特点和研究进展。然后结合三塘湖盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地烃源岩中热液喷流沉积的研究取得了以下重要认识:①热液衍生石油的有机质来源于陆源高等植物和洋底低等生物,该生物是围绕热液喷口生活的嗜热、嗜毒、耐高温生物;②热液衍生石油不需要埋藏来持续提供热量,海底热液活动为其提供了物质和热量;③在有机质与深源热物质流体发生物理化学作用的过程中,有机质“瞬时”(时间很短)热解成油,部分转化为类似于石油的产品。热液衍生石油及其有机质的研究不仅能进一步深化人们对油气成因的认识,而且对非常规石油的勘探开发具有重要意义。Abstract: The causes of oil and natural gas formation have long been controversial about organic and inorganic causes. In recent years, the discovery of hydrothermal genesis in different oceans around the world has further provided new thinking for the exploration of oil and gas genesis. On the basis of reviewing the basic theory of organic oil-producing hypothesis, inorganic oil-producing hypothesis and the dispute between the two, authors focused on the characteristics and research progress of hydrothermally derived petroleum and its organic matter. Then combined with the study of hydrothermal jet deposition in the source rocks of Santanghu Basin and Ordos Basin, the following important insights were obtained: ①The organic matter derived from hydrothermal oil is derived from terrestrial higher plants and lower ocean organisms, the latter being thermophilic, poisonous, and high temperature resistant organisms living around hydrothermal vents. ②Hydrothermal oil does not need to be buried to continuously provide heat, and submarine hydrothermal activities provide material and heat for it. ③In the process of physicochemical interaction between organic matter and deep-source thermal material fluid, organic matter is "instantaneously" (short time) pyrolyzed into oil and partially converted into petroleum-like products. The study of hydrothermally oil and its organic matter can not only deepen people's understanding of the causes of oil and gas, but also have great significance for the exploration and development of unconventional oil.
图 1 不同热液喷口的形成模式图
Figure 1. Formation patterns of different hydrothermal vents
图 3 深层生命
A.来自南非Kopanang金矿地表以下1.4 km深处的不明线虫(Poikilolaimus sp.),左边的长20 μm[33-34];B.古细菌群(ANME-2细胞,红色)和细菌(Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus物种,绿色)中的细胞一起工作,以从海底渗漏的甲烷中获取能量[35];C.南非约翰内斯堡附近Mponeng金矿,2.8 km深处充满液体和充气的裂缝内发现的Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator(紫色,蓝色棒状细胞跨越橙色碳球)细菌[36];D.这些古生物Altiarchaeales最初被发现生活在德国的硫化泉中[37]
Figure 3. Deep life
图 4 土卫六的生命迹象
A.用卡西尼观测土卫六整体轮廓(图片来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI);B.卡西尼”号拍摄到的液态甲烷湖泊,与地球湖泊相似(图片来源:NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute);C.土卫六的3个最大湖泊及周边区域,图像由“卡西尼”号的无线电探测和测距仪获取(图片来源:NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute);D.Sotra Facula是土卫六上的一座低温火山(图片来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS/University of Arizona);E.土卫六的甲烷湖泊清晰可见(图片来源:NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute);F.土卫六的甲烷湖(图片来源:NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute)
Figure 4. Signs of life in Titan
图 5 鄂尔多斯盆地铜川地区长73热水沉积岩及其有机质[50]
Figure 5. Hydrothermal sedimentary rock and its organic matter of Chang 73 section in Tongchuan area, Ordos Basin
图 6 三塘湖盆地二叠系芦草沟组白云岩的流体包裹体特征[51]
A.吉井盐水包裹体;B.吉井环带方解石包裹体分布;C.环带方解石不同位置的均一温度;D, E, F.马井中盐水包裹体,由盐水溶液组成,可见气、液两相或纯液相,少见规则椭圆形包裹体,多见不规则状包裹体,大小在2~12 μm之间,气液比在10%~25%之间,E, F在测温前进行了拉曼分析
Figure 6. Characteristics of fluid inclusion of dolomite of Permian Lucaogou Formation in Santanghu Basin
表 1 不同地区热液衍生石油特点
Table 1. Characteristics of hydrothermal petroleum in different regions
位置 w(TOC)/% 石油组分wB 特征 脂肪烃 芳香烃 鲛烷 沥青 Escanaba海槽[9] 0.44 2% 44% 14%~40% 54% 沥青胶结物含量较高,并含金属硫化物 Guaymas盆地[5] 2.00 3% 23% 13%~35% 74% 石油独立产出或呈含石油沉积物出现 东太平洋洋脊13°N[5] 0.40 1.0 μg/g 15%~34% 东太平洋洋脊21°N[5] 0.5~6 ng/g 14%~40% 红海海槽[11] 0.14 230 ng/g 15%~40% 加利福尼亚湾[11] 65% 15% 1%~40% 20% 大西洋TAG热液区(26°N)[12] 1%~25% 石油产出于金属硫化物粒间 表 2 不同地区“热液衍生石油”的有机质特征
Table 2. Characteristics of organic matter of hydrothermal petroleum in different regions
样品号及产状 w(TOC)/% 抽提物wB/% 碳数范围 主碳峰 CPI Pr/Ph 冲 D360-5-8块状硫化物矿石[6] 0.58 0.007 0 15~33 nC22 1.40 0.68 绳 D411-2硫化物烟囱[6] 0.45 0.003 1 16~35 nC22,nC29 1.40 0.47 海 D412-4硫化物烟囱[6] 1.10 0.003 6 16~35 nC18 1.60 0.72 槽 160P网脉状硫化物矿石[6] 0.41 0.016 4 15~35 nC19 1.50 0.75 Guaymas盆地[11] 2.00 26.000 0 13~35 nC21 1.03 1.10 Escanaba海槽[12] 0.40 46.000 0 14~40 nC27 1.25 1.70 红海海槽Atlantis-Ⅱ号[12] 0.14 0.023 0 15~40 nC24 1.10 0.80 东太平洋洋脊13°N[11] 0.40 0.001 0 15~34 nC29 1.10 1.20 东太平洋洋脊21°N[11] 0.000 2 14~45 nC27 0.9~1.03 0.5~1.0 表 3 不同地区热液衍生石油的14C年龄及δ13C数据
Table 3. Data of 14C age and δ13C of hydrothermal petroleum in different regions
位置 样品 特征 14C年龄 δ13C/‰ Guaymas盆地南海槽[12, 24] 1168-2 取自排出的小于50℃的热液流体垢泥萃取的全油萃取物 (4 295±370)a -26.4 1173-8 取自不活动的倒置球头钉状尖丘的全油萃取物 (4 583±265)a -21.7 1177-2D 取自大型活动的含100℃流体堤坝的全油萃取物 (5 705±300)a -22.5 1630 取自排出206℃流体的尖丘的游离油 (4 420±185)a -21.3 1630 取自样品上面岩石的全油萃取物 (4 870±190)a -22.3 Guaymas盆地北海槽[12, 24] 1623-B 取自风化泥岩中岩脉的全油萃取物 (7 430±70)a Escanaba海槽[12, 24] 32D-2 取自具硫化物和沥青质石油互层的打捞砂岩的全油萃取物 (17 090±110)a 米德尔裂谷[12, 24] MV2255-3-2 取自重晶石喷出口的全油萃取物 (29 000+4 400)a, (29 000- 2100)a 东非大裂谷[12, 24] E99902 卡兰巴海角滨岸处的坦噶尼喀地堑北部突岩 (25 060±1 650)a 鄂尔多斯盆地YK1井[25] YK-63 三叠系延长组长72黑色页岩 140~100 Ma -28.0 鄂尔多斯盆地YK1井[25] YK-78 三叠系延长组长73黑色页岩 140~100 Ma -29.3 塔里木盆地拜城坳陷[26] 人工1井 三叠系-侏罗系源岩 65~24 Ma <-25 -
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