3D reconstruction and visualization for laser drilling hole on rock based on line laser scanning
摘要: 激光钻进岩石形成的钻孔的孔形较为复杂,具有较小的孔直径和较高的孔壁粗糙度,使得利用传统方法进行钻孔尺寸的测量较为困难。为了精确钻孔测量和方便孔形研究,提出了一种基于线激光扫描及逆向建模的钻孔建模方法。首先,搭建了线激光扫描平台,建立了空间坐标系,以获取钻孔的三维坐标,构建了钻孔的初始点云数据。其次,在MATLAB中对获取的点云数据进行无效点移除及多视角点云配准,其中,无效点移除利用顺序查找法实现,多视角点云配准则基于迭代最近点(ICP)算法,包括初始配准和精确配准两个阶段。最后,基于Delaunay三角网格划分及曲面重建算法,实现了钻孔模型的重建和可视化。此外,还采用滴液法和切割法进行实际钻孔容积值测量及钻孔轮廓线获取,并与由点云重建的钻孔模型上获取的测算结果进行对比分析,以验证所述方法建立的钻孔模型的精度。结果表明:重建的钻孔模型与实际钻孔之间的误差小于4%,重建的模型能够满足激光岩石钻进钻孔的测量要求,证实了所述方法的可行性。与传统测量方法相比,所述方法属于非接触、非破坏性方法,可重复性测量。Abstract: The laser drilling hole on rock has a complex pattern, characterized with a generally small diameter and high roughness, so it is difficult to measure the parameters by traditional methods.Therefore, in order to precisely detect the drilling hole and expediently study the shape of the hole, a model of the laser drilling hole based on line laser scanning and reserve modeling is proposed.Specifically, to get the 3D coordinate of the drilling hole, which consists of the original point cloud, a line laser scanning stage is designed and the spatial coordinate system is established.Then, point cloud processing, including the valid points removal and point cloud registration, is implemented in MATLAB, and the removal of invalid points is realized by sequential search, also, based on the iterative closest point(ICP) algorithm, the multi-view point cloud registration is divided into two stages: the initial registration and the precise registration.Finally, based on Delaunay triangulation and surface reconstruction, the model reconstruction and 3D visualization of the drilling hole are accomplished, which provides a good matrix for drilling hole measurement.What's more, compared with the results from the model reconstructed, the titration test and cutting method are used to measure the volume and obtain the contour line of the real drilling hole, to evaluate the accuracy of the drilling hole model.The experimental results show that the error between the models reconstructed and the real drilling holes is less than 4%, hence the reconstructed model can meet the requirements of measuring the parameters of the laser drilling hole on the rock, and the method proposed is feasible.Furthermore, this approach belongs to a non-contact and non-destructive detection method accompanied with good repeatability in comparison with existing methods.
Key words:
- laser drilling hole /
- line laser scanning /
- point cloud /
- model reconstruction /
- visualization
表 1 钻孔容积测量结果
Table 1. Measurement results of the volume of the drilling holes
孔序号 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# VT/mm3 278 160 54 260 180 236 VM/mm3 287.08 156.63 52.86 264.59 184.47 241.59 EA/mm3 -9.08 3.37 1.14 -4.59 -4.47 5.59 ER/% 3.27 2.11 2.16 1.77 2.48 2.37 表 2 轮廓线匹配结果
Table 2. Results of contour lines matching
轮廓线对序号 Fréchet距离值δdF/mm Pearson相关系数ρX, Y Ⅰ 0.163 0.987 Ⅱ 0.248 0.975 Ⅲ 0.081 0.992 Ⅳ 0.290 0.971 Ⅴ 0.196 0.979 Ⅵ 0.187 0.979 Ⅶ 0.163 0.985 Ⅷ 0.274 0.973 Ⅸ 0.186 0.974 Ⅹ 0.162 0.982 -
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