Key technologies of geological big data visualization
摘要: 详述了地质大数据可视化的研究内容,从应用角度可将其分为:表达三维可视化、分析三维可视化、过程三维可视化、设计三维可视化和决策三维可视化5类。针对地质大数据这5类可视化中涉及到的几方面关键技术进行了深入探讨,包括:地质体三维可视化动态精细建模技术;基于CUDA+GPU集群的地质体属性场数据并行可视化技术;针对地质大数据的可视化分析技术;基于地质大数据的虚拟现实和增强现实技术等。对这几方面关键技术的现状、技术路线以及实现效果进行了论述和展示。Abstract: This paper describes in detail the research contents of visualization of geological big data. Its application classification includes expression visualization, analysis visualization, procedure visualization, design visualization and decision visualization. The paper also discusses in length several key technologies involved in the five types of visualization of geological big data: 3D visualization dynamic fine modeling technology of geological body; Parallel visualization technology of geological body attribute field data based on CUDA+GPU cluster; Visualization analysis technology for geological big data; Virtual reality and augmented reality technology based on geological big data. The status quo, technical route and implementation effect of these key technologies are discussed and demonstrated.
Key words:
- geological big data /
- visualization /
- CUDA /
- GPU /
- geological body modeling /
- virtual reality /
- augmented reality
图 3 全息、精细、多尺度三维地质体建模[18]
Figure 3. Full detail, fine and multi-scale 3D geological body modeling
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