Volume 42 Issue 1
Jan.  2023
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Zhao Yanyan, Wu Changxiong, Shi Wenjie, Liu Dongqin, Wei Ketao, Zhang Ming, Tan Jun. Three-dimensional (3D) geological modeling and deep mineral targeting of the Tonglüshan-Tongshan Cu-Fe-Au deposit in southeastern Hubei Province[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(1): 112-125. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0095
Citation: Zhao Yanyan, Wu Changxiong, Shi Wenjie, Liu Dongqin, Wei Ketao, Zhang Ming, Tan Jun. Three-dimensional (3D) geological modeling and deep mineral targeting of the Tonglüshan-Tongshan Cu-Fe-Au deposit in southeastern Hubei Province[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(1): 112-125. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0095

Three-dimensional (3D) geological modeling and deep mineral targeting of the Tonglüshan-Tongshan Cu-Fe-Au deposit in southeastern Hubei Province

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0095
  • Received Date: 15 Jun 2021
  • Tonglüshan-Tongshan is a typical skarn Cu-Fe-Au deposit in southeastern Hubei Province. In this study, based on the deep-seated ore-prospecting, and the guidance of scientific deep metallogenic prediction theory, a comprehensive analysis of the metallogenic geological conditions and deep ore prospecting potential has been carried out. A 3D visualization study based on Surpac 3D modeling software was carried out. Based on the exploration line profile data and driling geological data, the 3D geological body solid model of the Tonglüshan-Tongshan Cu-Fe-Au deposit was constructed, including the orebody model, stratum model, skarn model, and intrusion contact surface model. Based on the drilling spectral data, the combination of F1, F2, and F3 factors was constructed by factor analysis, and the 3D geochemical model was constructed with the inverse distance weighted method. The gravity and magnetic homology anomalies were extracted from the gravity and magnetic data, and the 3D geophysical model was constructed. Four prediction elements were selected based on favorable prospecting information, including intrusive contact surface buffer, alteration buffer, F1 factor, and gravity and magnetic homology anomalies. The method of evidence weight was applied in comprehensive mineralization prediction to develop a 3D prospectivity model, and three potential exploration targets were delineated. After verifying with drilling, the scale of the main orebody has been expanded, and good prospecting results have been obtained.The result shows that the research on predicting and evaluating the Tonglüshan-Tongshan deposit has been extended to 3D space. It is anticipated that the results could provide a reference for deep mineral targeting of the deposits in the peripheral areas with the same type.


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