Volume 39 Issue 6
Nov.  2020
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Zhang Junshuai, Wang Bingguo, Liu Tianqi. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and its validation for shallow groundwater vulnerability in Jianghan Plain[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2020, 39(6): 154-164. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2020.0617
Citation: Zhang Junshuai, Wang Bingguo, Liu Tianqi. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and its validation for shallow groundwater vulnerability in Jianghan Plain[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2020, 39(6): 154-164. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2020.0617

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and its validation for shallow groundwater vulnerability in Jianghan Plain

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2020.0617
  • Received Date: 14 Jan 2020
  • Taking shallow groundwater of shayang-jiukou area in Jianghan plain as the research object to evaluate shallow groundwater vulnerability of Jianghan plain, is directed against the shortcomings of the traditional DRASTIC model, suchas strong relevance and weight subjectivity of evaluation indexes, discontinuity of the scoring values, and absence of measured data verification to the evaluation result. Considering the reality in the study area, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is established on the basis of the improved DRASTIC model, and the accuracy and reliability of the model are verified by key pollution factors such as Cl-, NO3- and NH4+ in shallow groundwater. In this model, a new quantitative evaluation index system was built to make the evaluation indexes more objective and reasonable, which the impact of the vadose zone media, aquifer media and soil media were replaced by the thickness of cohesive soil in vadose zone, thickness of aquifer and soil saturated hydraulic conductivity respectively. The three-scale AHP method was adopted to determine the weight of each index, which reduced the subjectivity of the index weights from the traditional DRASTIC model. Based on the improved DRASTIC model, a fuzzy mathematics method was introduced, and the fixed scoring values of the indexes were replaced by the subordinating degree function to overcome the discontinuity of traditional DRASTIC model for using the quota scoring. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation result showed that vulnerability evaluation of shallow groundwater in the study area is poor or comparatively poor on the whole, accounting for 76.53% of the study area. This research can provide method reference for shallow groundwater vulnerability evaluation in plain regions and scientific evidence for the prevention and control of shallow groundwater pollution in Jianghan Plain.


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