Volume 39 Issue 6
Nov.  2020
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Huang Wei, Sun Chang, Xiang Wei, Ren Shicong, Ren Xiaohu, Liu Qinbing. Residual strength of loess-gravel interface under snowmelt in Ili valley, Xinjiang[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2020, 39(6): 112-120. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2020.0611
Citation: Huang Wei, Sun Chang, Xiang Wei, Ren Shicong, Ren Xiaohu, Liu Qinbing. Residual strength of loess-gravel interface under snowmelt in Ili valley, Xinjiang[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2020, 39(6): 112-120. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2020.0611

Residual strength of loess-gravel interface under snowmelt in Ili valley, Xinjiang

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2020.0611
  • Received Date: 16 Dec 2019
  • In order to study the residual strength of the loess-gravel interface, this paper investigated the residual strength of the loess-gravel interface with different water content by improved ring shear tests, what's more, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was taken to study the microstructure of the loess-gravel interface.The results show that residual strength of the loess- gravel interface decreased with increasing of the water content, and strain softening occurred during tests.With the increase of normal stress and water content, the strain softening phenomenon became less obvious; The residual strength of the loess-gravel interface increased with the normal stress, and there was a good linear relationship, which met the Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion, The residual strength parameters of the loess-gravel interface decreased with water content increasing.There was a critical water content w=18% (near the plastic limit water content 19.1%), when the water content ranged from 10%-18%, the residual friction angle φr changed slightly (Δφr=5.4 °).Respectively, when the water content ranged from 18%-26%, the residual friction angle φr changed greatly (Δφr=9.0 °).In terms of microstructure, with the water content increasing, the soft "mud film" was formed on the loess-gravel interface and partially filled with uneven surface.Thus the shearing surface was smooth.Meanwhile, during the shearing process, the clay was dispersed and absorbed to the surface of the loess particles and partially filled the pores which lubricated the loess particles and reduced the residual strength.The research results of this paper could provide scientific reference for the formation mechanism and engineering protection of loess-gravel interface landslide in Ili Valley.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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