Volume 40 Issue 2
Mar.  2021
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Kang Yu, Chen Gang, Zhang Weigang, Huang Junping, Xia Xiaoyu, Huo Jianwei. Diagenetic densification of Chang 8 sandstone reservoirs and its relationship with hydrocarbon accumulation in Tiebiancheng area, Jiyuan Oilfield, Ordos Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2021, 40(2): 64-75. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0207
Citation: Kang Yu, Chen Gang, Zhang Weigang, Huang Junping, Xia Xiaoyu, Huo Jianwei. Diagenetic densification of Chang 8 sandstone reservoirs and its relationship with hydrocarbon accumulation in Tiebiancheng area, Jiyuan Oilfield, Ordos Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2021, 40(2): 64-75. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0207

Diagenetic densification of Chang 8 sandstone reservoirs and its relationship with hydrocarbon accumulation in Tiebiancheng area, Jiyuan Oilfield, Ordos Basin

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0207
  • Received Date: 08 Jun 2020
  • Based on multiple testing data from the casting slice, cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, HPMI, reservoir physical property, and fluid inclusion thermometry, systematic research was conducted to investigate the petrologic features, reservoir properties, diagenetic porosity evolution, and temporal relations between the densification and oil charging process of the Chang 8 sandstone reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in Tiebiancheng area of Jiyuan Oilfield, Ordos Basin. The results show that the Chang 8 reservoirs in the study area are mainly composed of fine-grained lithic feldspar sandstones with low maturity of composition and texture, featuring unconventional tight reservoirs with an average porosity of 7.34% and permeability of 0.112×10-3μm2, which generally reach the middle diagenetic stage A. The diagenetic porosity evolution of the Chang 8 reservoirs mainly experienced three stages: porosity reduction by compaction and cementation in early diagenetic stage A-B, porosity increase by dissolution and reduction by cementation in middle diagenetic stage A1, and porosity reduction to densification by cementation in middle diagenetic stage A2 to B1. Until the end of the Early Cretaceous, all the occurred compaction and cementation made the reservoir porosity decrements approach 21.14% and 14%, respectively, while the porosity increment by dissolution was only about 1.76%. At the beginning of two episodic large-scale oil charging events that occurred at 125 and 105 Ma during the middle to late period of the Early Cretaceous, the porosity of the Chang 8 sandstone reservoirs decreased to 7.82% under the influence of late cementation. It became a typical ultra-low porosity and ultra-low permeability tight sandstone reservoir, thus most likely indicating that the densification of the Chang 8 reservoirs occurred earlier than the hydrocarbon accumulation in this study.


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