Volume 43 Issue 4
Jul.  2024
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ZHENG Kexin, WU Yiping, LI Jiang, MIAO Fasheng, KE Chao. A prediction model of the joint roughness coefficient based on Gaussian process regression[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(4): 252-261. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230113
Citation: ZHENG Kexin, WU Yiping, LI Jiang, MIAO Fasheng, KE Chao. A prediction model of the joint roughness coefficient based on Gaussian process regression[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(4): 252-261. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230113

A prediction model of the joint roughness coefficient based on Gaussian process regression

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230113
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    ZHENG Kexin, E-mail: zkx1998@cug.edu.cn

  • Corresponding author: WU Yiping, E-mail: ypwu@cug.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 06 Mar 2023
  • Accepted Date: 19 Apr 2023
  • Rev Recd Date: 18 Apr 2023
  • Objective

    Estimating the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) is essential for evaluating the mechanical properties of a rock mass. Due to the limitation of a single statistical parameter for characterizing morphology, JRC values estimation by a single statistical parameter may produce a sufficiently unreliable result.


    To address the existing challenges in determining JRC values, a model based on Gaussian process regression (GPR) combined with principal component analysis (PCA) was proposed for the quantitative evaluation of JRC. Notably, eight parameters were selected as indicators for the comprehensive expression of the rock joint roughness. To analyse the model's performance, a publicly available dataset of 112 rock joint profiles was used as an example, of which 95 were chosen as training samples and 17 were chosen as validation samples. The reliability of the model was verified by comparing the predicted results with the measured JRC values.


    The results show that the derived GPR model demonstrates promising performance (R2=0.972, MSE =0.517) for estimation of JRC values, indicating the high applicability of the model in constructing implicit relationships between multiple statistical parameters and JRC values even under small sample conditions.


    In general, the GPR model may provide a new way of estimating JRC values with artificial intelligence.


  • The authors declare that no competing interests exist.
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