Volume 42 Issue 2
Mar.  2023
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Zhang Meiqi, Chen Bo, Zhao Min. Analysis of the carbon stock and carbon neutral potential of wetlands in Guizhou Province[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(2): 315-326. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220358
Citation: Zhang Meiqi, Chen Bo, Zhao Min. Analysis of the carbon stock and carbon neutral potential of wetlands in Guizhou Province[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(2): 315-326. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220358

Analysis of the carbon stock and carbon neutral potential of wetlands in Guizhou Province

doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220358
  • Received Date: 14 Jul 2022
  • As a key ecosystem for climate change mitigation, wetlands play an irreplaceable role in carbon capture and sequestration. The analysis of wetland carbon stocks and their influencing factors, as well as the prediction of carbon sequestration potential, are of great significance to the conservation and management of wetlands and the achievement of the national "double carbon" target.This study employed ArcGIS 10.8 to vectorize the wetland distribution map of the Wetland Protection and Development Plan of Guizhou Province (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) for three periods (1999-2009, 2010-2018, and 2018-present, respectively) by means of remote sensing visual interpretation and zoned them according to the intensity of karst development in Guizhou Province. The changes in wetland area and carbon stock in Guizhou Province were estimated and analyzed using the life belt research method and biomass estimation method, and the total carbon stock and carbon stock per unit area of key wetlands were estimated and compared with those of all wetlands in Guizhou Province. A calculation model was used to estimate the carbon sequestration potential of the key wetlands in Guizhou Province.The Origin software was applied to analyze the data on all relevant impact factors. The results showed that: ①The area of wetlands in Guizhou Province was 216, 526.95 hm2, 209, 726.85 hm2, and 255, 440.53 hm2 in the pre-, mid-, and late-planning periods, respectively, with an overall decrease and then increase, and the total area increased by 38, 913.58 hm2; ② The wetland carbon stock in Guizhou Province was 3.78×106 t in the late stage of planning, increasing significantly to more than 6 times of that in the early stage of planning(5.97×105 t), among which the carbon stock of the key wetlands was 3.24×106 t, accounting for 85.71% of the province's wetland carbon stock; ③ The carbon sequestration potential of the keywetlands in Guizhou Provincewas 1.14×104 t C/a, and the total carbon sequestration of wetlands is expected to reach 7.99×106 t C and 8.34×106 t C by 2030 and 2060, respectively; and ④ The carbon stock of the key wetlands was positively correlated with DIC concentration, organic carbon content and wetland area and negatively correlated with temperature, indicating thattemperature, DIC concentration, organic carbon content and wetland area had a strong influence on the carbon stock of the key wetlands in Guizhou Province.The results of this study will not only facilitate the understanding of the current status of wetland carbon sequestration in Guizhou Province but also provide a theoretical reference for the contribution of regional wetland ecosystems to the "3060" dual carbon target.


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