Citation: | CHEN Qiong,CUI Deshan,ZHANGYANG Jinghao,et al. Development and application of a novel ring shear apparatus[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):205-215 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230340 |
This study aims to investigate the total stress, pore water pressure, and effective stress of samples by developing a new ring shear apparatus capable of measuring and controlling pore water pressure, effectively revealing the evolution characteristics of stress, strain, and pore water pressure in the samples.
A self-developed automatic ring shear apparatus that can control drainage conditions has achieved the control of pore water pressure during ring shear tests, and measuring parameters such as pore water pressure, sample drainage volume, torque, and axial displacement. Taking the Huangtupo landslide slip zone soil as an example, consolidation drained ring shear tests, consolidation undrained ring shear tests, variable pore pressure ring shear tests, and permeability tests were conducted separately.
The results demonstrated that the ring shear chamber withstands pore water pressure from 0 to
The novel ring shear apparatus can accurately conduct ring shear tests on samples under large deformation and varying pore pressure conditions, offering technical support for revealing the evolution mechanism of pore water pressure during long-distance landslide sliding.
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