Citation: | LIN Qiuyi,ZUO Renguang. Transfer learning and its application in solid Earth geoscience[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology,2025,44(1):346-356 doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20230429 |
With the advent of big data in geoscience, machine learning has emerged as a powerful tool that are able to characterize intricate structures and patterns of data, thus rapidly gaining attention in solid Earth geoscience. As a crucial branch of machine learning domain, deep learning leverages large amounts of datasets to construct multilayer hidden layers, enhancing the classification or prediction performances. Nevertheless, one of the significant difficulties for machine learning models in geoscience is the scarcity of available data, which is limited in solid Earth studies. The advent of transfer learning has introduced a novel approach to address this challenge by using limited training data for effective applications.
As a typical machine learning technique, transfer learning enhances the performance of new tasks within limited data by utilizing preexisting knowledge from similar tasks through pretraining. By transferring knowledge from a source domain to a target domain, it can partially mitigate insufficient data availability so that prediction accuracy can be improved. This study provides an overview of transfer learning's basic concepts and categories, discussing challenges in current geoscience applications, and analyzing typical cases in solid Earth geosciences. Currently, deep transfer learning shows promising potential in automatic identification and of rocks-minerals classification and geochemical anomalies identification.
Transfer learning holds considerable promise for enhancing model generalization performance and mitigating overfitting in solid Earth geosciences. However, some challenges still remain, such as identifying suitable source domains to supply relevant knowledge for target domains. Future research should be explored in terms of source domain dataset selection, transfer model construction, negative transfer assessment, and interpretability of transfer learning.
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