2013 Vol. 31, No. 3

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2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon1691 icon1577
Permian Brachiopod Faunas from Engeerwusu Area in Yingen-Ejin Banner Basin and Its Significance
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2058 icon1769
Vegetation Succession and Environmental Transition During Late Pleistocene in Milin Area, Tibetan Plateau
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2303 icon2346
Paleoseismic Genesis of the Neoproterozoic Underwater Gravel Mound Structures, North of Anhui Province
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2193 icon1917
Disintegration of Niangzhong Rock Mass in the Later Period of the Middle Permian Epoch in the South Part of Ailaoshan Orogen
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2100 icon1743
Detrital Composition and Provenance Analysis of Sandstones from the Lower Silurian Series to Upper Triassic Series in Lvchun, Yunnan
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2045 icon1782
Geology and Geochemical Characteristics of Rock Mass at Lianhuagou Molybdenite(Copper) Mine in Luonan County, Shaanxi Province
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2213 icon1774
Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Late Paleozoic Carbonate Platform in the Southeast Part of Precaspian Basin
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon1999 icon2021
Characteristics of Superimposed Shallow-Lacustrine Delta and Its Experimental Simulation
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2075 icon1806
Microbial Carbonates and Their Significance in the Petroleum Exploration
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2190 icon3015
Effect of Structural Inversion on Reservoir Forming in A Depression, Kazakhstan
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2039 icon2059
Advances and Current Problems in the Study of the Occurrence of “Invisible Gold” in Sulfides
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2127 icon2040
Geochemical Characteristics of Loess-Palaeosols from the Northern Slope of Dabie Mountain and Research of Its Provenance in the Enrichment Factor Way
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2022 icon1364
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon1940 icon1980
Formation Sensitivity of the Deep Section High Pressure and Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoir
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2152 icon1821
Evaluation of Flow Units and Distribution of Remaining Oil: A Case Study of Shen-95 Block, Liaohe Oilfield, China
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2093 icon1342
Trap Types and Distribution of Lower Congo-Congo Fan Basin in West Africa
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2138 icon2014
Research on the Minimum Net Pay Thickness for Chang-6 Oil Reservoirs with Low Permeability in Xingzichuan Oilfield
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2049 icon1864
Characteristics of Reservoir Microscopic Pore Structure and Its Controlling Factors of Chang-6 in Jiyuan Area of Ordos Basin
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2115 icon1718
Mineralization Characteristics of Uranium Deposit No.207 in Longshoushan Metallogenetic Belt and the Metallogenic Potential of Its Peripheral Area
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2007 icon1816
Introduction on Metallogenic Series of Qilian Metallogenic Province
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2026 icon2113
Typomorphic Characteristics and Prospecting Significance of Pyrite in M29-Ⅰ Orebody, Huaishuping Gold Deposit, Xiongershan Area, Western Henan Province
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2366 icon2699
Geological Characteristics and REE-Trace Element Geochemistry of Guanfang Tungsten Deposit in Wenshan, Yunnan Province, China
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2288 icon2364
Characteristics of Primary Halos and Prediction of the Orebody No.3 in the Shangcheng Gold Deposit, Anhui, China
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2064 icon1647
Water and Salt Stress to Cotton in the Condition of Drip Irrigation under Mulch
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2048 icon1620
Experiment of CO2-Saline Water-Calcite Interactions
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2327 icon2164
A Review of Carbon Dioxide-Based Enhanced Geothermal System
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon4334 icon4154
Power-Law Correlations of Landslides: A Case of Ningqiang County
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2008 icon1810
Geological Multiple Utility Stack Technology and Application in Low Signal-Noise Ratio Area
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2076 icon2216
The Drillability of Lunar Soil Investigration Based on the Drillability Classification of Rock
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2122 icon2298
The Characteristic Analysis of AVO Attribution for Fractured-Vuggy Reservoir Model
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2068 icon1543
Research and Application of the Ore Body Three-Dimensional Mathematical Model Based on Surpac: Example from Shangdong Dongfeng Deposit 171 Pulse
2013, 31(3)
Abstract PDF icon2114 icon2379